Old Faithful Yellowstone National Park Italian Coast at Monterosso Niagara Falls Cathedral Mountain Canada Bison Yellowstone National Park While cleaning bookshelves I came across an old devotional and read this excerpt from James Hudson Taylor. He was a British Missionary who spent 51 years in China. He founded The China Inland Mission and knew a little about God's power. God Himself is our source of power. . . Further, God's power is available power. We are a supernatural people, born again by a supernatural birth, kept by a supernatural power, sustained on supernatural food, taught by a supernatural Teacher from a supernatural Book. We are led by a supernatural Captain on right paths to assured victories. The risen Savior, before he ascended on high, said, "All power is given to Me. Go therefore. . ." Matthew 28:20 KJV We have given too much to method and machinery and to resources...
Exploring the intersection of the daily and the divine.