There are said to be thirty thousand promises made to the child of God, but they are of no more value to us than statements in the newspaper if we do not personally appropriate them. J. Oswald Sanders, Spiritual Maturity PROMISE #1 I came across this sentence about two weeks ago and it has resurfaced in my thoughts again and again. Yesterday I calculated that if I found 4.5 promises every single day I could find all 30,000 if I lived to be 80 years old. How many promises support our lives every single day? I don't know the number, but wouldn't be surprised if it were in the hundreds. Promises that reveal God's: PERSON PLAN PRESENCE POWER PROVISION PURPOSES PROTECTION PATIENCE There are literally thousands of promises that reveal His NATURE, LOVE, GRACE, MERCY, and FORGIVENESS. We, His children by faith, are supported and graced by the promises God has given us. Every day I want to fin...
Exploring the intersection of the daily and the divine.