You know you're in Africa when color is everywhere and small children are carried in a sling on Mom's back. This cloth, used all over Africa, is the original "hands free" device . You know you're in Africa when the mother and baby goat are part of the checked luggage that rides on top of the bus. Gary says he has never seen them held in with ropes , it may be a new traffic regulation. You know you're in Africa when the local Record store is called Beautiful Jesus Music. You know you're in Africa when the oncoming traffic has horns and knows how to use them. You know you're in Africa when the goats eat the park bench. You know you're in Africa when the ants make a hill taller than your car. And finally, you know you're in Africa when the clouds look like they've been created in Photo Shop. But they weren't...
Exploring the intersection of the daily and the divine.