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Making a Difference

Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others.  1 Corinthians 10:24

Do you watch NBC Nightly News?

There's a segment toward the end called 'Making a Difference'.

Your life can make a difference.  That's reassuring to know.  But will anything we do count 5 years from now?  10?  How about 50?  How about forever?

Do you want your life to count forever?  Make the good of others your goal.  A life that counts for eternity is a life that mattered to others.  Your life can bring joy, peace, and love to everyone around you.  That's actually God's will for your life.  He wants to fill you with His Spirit, with wisdom, and with His love.  Are you willing to receive and turn around and give out what you received?  

My husband began a Bible Training Center in Ghana West Africa over 10 years ago.  A story he tells from his travels to remote villages made the truth of 1 Cor. 10:24 come alive.  He had taken packages of Skittles with him and when the little children came running up to welcome he and his companions Gary gave them handfuls of Skittles.  He noticed that the children then shared them with the other kids throughout the village.  Any kind of treat is such a rarity that many will never receive even one throughout their childhood.  It really touched him that they shared so freely with others.  They didn't hoard it for themselves.  

Each one ended up with the new experience of a rare treat and the shared experience of giving and receiving a blessing.

As humans we contend with selfish concern throughout our lives.  As Christians we're commanded to make the good of others a priority.  It's what Jesus did throughout his life.  He didn't come to be served, but to serve and give his life as a ransom.  It's what he wants to do through your life too.  He'd like to give you the chance to share with others and help them experience the joy, and peace, and love of God.  

How about it?  Are you willing to make a difference?

One day at a time,



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