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Stepping Up

Don't you love this little guy's eagerness?

I could almost hear him, "Look Mom, look at me , look I can walk on water".

I shot this photo on a lake in Yellowstone National Park.
It was early morning and this mother Merganser was patiently teaching her young to fish.

All but one that is.  
 He reminds me of Isaiah who willingly answered God's call.

Isaiah 6 tells us his story of 'Stepping Up'.

 In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord, high and exalted, seated on a throne; and the train of his robe filled the temple. Above him were seraphim, each with six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying. And they were calling to one another:
“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty;
    the whole earth is full of his glory.”
At the sound of their voices the doorposts and thresholds shook and the temple was filled with smoke.
“Woe to me!” I cried. “I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty.”
Then one of the seraphim flew to me with a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with tongs from the altar. With it he touched my mouth and said, “See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for.”
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”
And I said, “Here am I.  Send me!” 

My hubby and I are off to Ghana West Africa for a month of ministry.

Gary's been doing this for over 12 years.
He's spent a lot of time there since God showed him the need and asked, "Whom shall I send?  And who will go for us?"

This will be my third trip.
In the brief time I've spent there I have met many Christians who possess nothing, yet have everything of value.

I'll never forget the days I spent there with a group of women.
I asked one named Charity to open in prayer and they all stood.
She quietly began addressing God by the many names we find throughout the Bible.
The Almighty God
Creator and Redeemer
The Ancient of Days
The Lord of Hosts
Our Shepherd
Our Righteousness
Our Peace
Our Savior

And one by one, around the circle, these women spoke the praises of God just by declaring His names.

I'm humbled by the opportunity to return and share in the sweet fellowship of those who love God and worship Him in spirit and in truth.

I've heard that God isn't looking for ability as much as availability.
I'm counting on that.

Here I am.  Send me.  And make it count forever.
One day at a time,



  1. How awesome! We will pray for you both as well as the hearts of the people. Will you post here of your time or another blog? We would love to follow all that God is doing there, using you, His available and willing servants.
    Many blessings await... I am sure of it. :)
    Love, M and J


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